Accomplice, a comedy thriller by Tony award winning Rupert Holmes. Directed by Ben Hambling
"a deliciously witty cocktail of a whodunit with a maniacally seamless plot where skullduggery emerges the winner! " - The New York Times
"Part murder mystery, part sex farce and completely entertaining... Suspenseful, charming and funny." - USA Today
Accomplice is a full length play for 4 actors (2 male, 2 female).
It begins as a straightforward English thriller (with a touch of English farce) set in a 1970s refurbished mill house. A sex starved wife and her lover plan to murder her stuffy husband. The husband is murdered on stage in front of the audience… But things are not as they seem, the husband reappears, and nobody is quite who the audience believes them to be.
It is all fun and games until someone loses a life.
This will be both a fun and challenging play to rehearse. The final result will give the audience the thrill of a roller coaster from laughs to gasps.
As the secrecy of the plot is of highest importance. Some further information will be provided to those that audition. A plot summary will be given to those offered roles.